First of all, I went and purchase the Clear Care to be used as my contact lens solution / cleaner. You can find out more about Clear Care on the net if you;re interested.
Any Circle Lens cannot be used right out of the bottle, or you'll really hurt your eyes, so you have to soak them either overnight, or atleast a few hours. I soaked mine overnight.
This is how the pink lens look out of the bottle.
Place it onto Clear Care's special contact lens case
From here on out, I want to say that my experience I am pretty sure is not normal. I had a really different reaction to the lenses and I'm pretty sure it's not normal. This is also why I am not naming this post as a "review", but just a regular blog post.
So anyway, I put on the lenses, and here's now it looks... my eye on the left (as you are seeing it) is the eye with the pink circle lens, and my eye on the right is the eye without lenses (so boring looking, lols).
This first picture is me closer to the light - but without flash.
The second picture is me further from the light - still without flash
I didn't have the chance to shoot one WITH flash because for some reason, I hyperventilated... YES! HYPERVENTILATE... who in the world hyperventilates from wearing contact lenses!!!
After maybe 2 minutes of puttung the lenses on, I felt like my head was spinning, and like I couldn't breathe. Maybe something you'd feel when you're claustrophobic, or right after a roller-coaster ride and you want to puke.
At this point, I forced myself to suck it up so I can take some photos, and I was able to but then I really couldn't take it anymore. I had to sit on the toilet to calm myself, wondering how I was going to take it out. Fortunately, I was able to.
See what I mean about not a normal reaction!
However, in the midst of all this happening and in all fairness to the lenses, I really didn't think it was uncomfortable. I was able to wear it for a minute or two and was able to admire how pretty it looks. My initial reaction was definitely not "this is so uncomfortable". However, I cannot attest to this because I haven't been able to wear it for a long period of time...
So sad... i really wanted to wear these too! I'll probably give it another shot sometime... I am determined... lols...
Thanks for reading... I know it's long, but atlest you get to see it on my eyes and had a laugh or two...